Friday, April 11, 2008


Welcome to my blog.

I have been interested in World War II history for many, many years. Ever since I was a teenager actually. My next door neighbor fought in World War II. He never really spoke about the war, although I did find out he was with a Canadian artillery unit that had seen action in Italy.

At some point in time I started interviewing veterans. I found their stories riveting. Their memories often ran the full range of emotion - joy, depression, terror, loneliness. On numerous occasions I have shared laughter and tears as they related their stories.

Despite the very real threat of being killed in action, every single veteran I have interviewed, somewhere around four dozen or so, has said to the person they would do it all over again.

I had at one point in time considered writing a book on the veterans who served in the so-called "Mosquito Fleet." Instead, I have decided to share the recollections of patrol torpedo boat veterans through this blog.

I am involved with many, different and diverse projects right now, plus my wife and I have a young family. So, I will post, as time permits, the memories these Navy veterans shared with me and some of the photos they sent to me to copy.

I freely admit that I am not an "expert" when it comes to pt boats. I don't know when certain modifications were made to the boats that were manufactured, nor do I care to know. I will leave that to others.

My interest and joy has been in collecting the memories of the men that served their country during World War II. I have always thought that many take for granted the freedoms we enjoy today. One only has to look around the world at any number of countries to realize what we have in North America is special.

By posting veteran's memories here, I hope others will learn about the sacrifices those veterans endured and better appreciate what those who have gone before us, have accomplished in the name of freedom and democracy.

Enjoy the blog and feel free to leave comment or send me an email.

1 comment:

bacon_pt221 said...

Hi David,

Thanks very much for posting your blog. It's very well done and I hope you continue to post more pictures and information.

My dad served on PT 221, and didn't talk about his experiences much, but I do remember some of his stories.

I am a sometimes WWII historian too, and like you have been reading everything I can lay my hands on since I was a kid. I hope to find out some more information that is specific to my Dad. He died in 1989, and I have no records or memorabilia. He moved around a lot and his navy stuff is lost to time.

I also share everything with my sons and my siblings, as we all appreciate the sacrifices of our WWII vets in leaving us the great country and freedoms that we enjoy daily. They also have a healthy interest and will appreciate your blog.

again, thanks for taking the time to share this information.


Paul Bacon
Santa Cruz CA
son of Dick Bacon PT 221